Photos belongs to Style-Taxi
After i meet Anna from kalinka..kalinka, i was very exicted about the Fashionshow.
Unfortantely my anticipation sweeped away and never came back the whole time.
Except the red hoodie brought a little smile on my face. Well now i know how it is to starting a career as a fashion designer. Unfavorable cuts, who doesn't adulate the models figur. Main colour from the show where white, maize, light-blue, pastel-green. A real pity that the cut-technique were so bad!
ahiahi, da steht ja mein name, bist du süß. auf den fotos siehts sogar fast besser aus als es in echt war, hahahaaaa.. ein hoch auf deine cam ^^
AntwortenLöschenMerci mademoiselle:)