All Photos belongs to Style-Taxi
It is Thursday evening, the 3 July 2009 in Berlin and we have two incrediable Runways tonight: Guido Maria Kretschmar and Michael Michalsky. For these beautiful pictures i would thank Anne Walther for helping my out and be my personal assistant at BerlinFashionWeek 2010!. The Kretschmar Catwalk starts with an impressing ballad and showing a girl in a gowing dress with a hat we known from Escort horserace.
Here are my personal Keywords to the show:
blue, black, brown and creme beige, silk, chiffon, big hats, fleecier material, bikins, sexy shorts for men, a greyhound hits the runway(great idea), cocktail dresses, a good overview of the collection for sping summer 2010, feminine but still strong. Astonishing Catwalk!!
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