All Photos belongs to Style-Taxi
After a very long night on Wednesday, i need to get up at 8AM..., because Michael Sontag shows his new Runwayshow for Spring/Summer 2010 at Bebelplatz FashionWeek Tent in Berlin.
A little bit tired but still interested whats happened by Michael Sontag Show. As i saw the yellow carpet my weariness was blown away, that sun colour gets me into a warm and friendly mood.
Keywords from the show:
white, silk dress, light-khaki trenchcoat, green shimmy dress, oversized handbag,gold and a very few people.
From my point of view the last keyword belongs to the early Showtime. No matter what, the show was beautiful and the airy clothes, gets me a great morning start at Day 3 of Mercedes Benz FashionWeek Berlin!
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