Photos belongs to Style Taxi
On the evening of April 1 the german magazine Cut and the Online-Shop Etsy invited to a Do-it-yourself party. In a cubby with a little desk one could make your own necklaces, braclets or even rings. It is up to your creativity, what you make of it. Guests at that party were children and there parents, young creatives.
mist, bekomme mal wieder nicht die fotos von der cam. technik und ich, das klappt irgendwie nie. warte jetzt hibbeligst auf meinen card reader..
AntwortenLöschenNa das klingt ja gut. Hast du was gebastelt oder nur rumgeschaut?
AntwortenLöschenWäre auch sehr gerne da gewesen und hätte mir gerne mal das neue Etsy HQ angesehen :)
AntwortenLöschenMy airplanenecklace and I went to Horst club the following evening and had an amazing night there as well. Loved the party and the idea. So rare to see a launch like that with free drinks and plenty of food. The DIY table was just a litte small and the magazines were only available through purchase. But in the end I really enjoyed going there. Nice photos!