IV- Playground by Marie Jersild Viltoft
Come on people move for childhood is calling time to get up und groove there is no time for stailing. (Poem by Jim Milks)
V- Effortless Chic
Anna Svensson says about her line: I allowed myself to play for a little, leisurely time and just feel. A smile among line and squares and knitted wool, fingertips along surfaces.
my conclusion on the line: It's very wearable, you could defintely wear Anna's whole designs on the street.
All Photos belongs to Style Taxi
VI- Insulation for a replicant System by Emilia Engblad
Emila explains her fashion line to you: My garments are a protective layer for net-yet born androids. They still have nerves that haven't merged with their humanoid bodies. Once they are born, they are fully grown but free from pain or memories. Sounds quiet freaky to me!
Ich mag die Headphones (ist ja mittlerweile DAS Accessoire) und die hübsch deisgnten Schals (überlang, zur Schleife gebunden, kunstvoll in Falten gelegt etc.) - sehr schön!